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[:it]Martino Chiti (Proforma member) published the photobook
SUSPENDED CITIES (Portraits from the underground)

“The guard is down and the mask is off, even more than when in lone bedrooms (where there are mirrors). People’s faces are in naked repose down in the subway.”
Walker Evans

Buy Suspended cities photobook on sale by Crowdbooks.

Ritratti da dodici diverse metropolitane del mondo, realizzati in diapositiva colore, 35mm. (Parigi, Roma, Londra, Madrid, Oslo, Napoli, New York, Mexico DF, Sanriago de Chile, Tunis, Delhi, Tokyo).
Dodici che diventano una, rispecchiate nell’assenza/presenza, la sospensione, l’attesa.
Il lavoro si rispecchia nelle immagini scattate da Walker Evans nella metropolitana di New York negli anni ‘40 e le trascende. Non si fa riferimento ad un unico luogo ma a città distanti e differenti, che appaiono qui come racchiuse in un unico spazio. I volti, che esprimono la sospensione e il nudo riposo dei passeggeri che ogni giorno utilizzano questo mezzo di trasporto, diventano metafora tanto dell’essenza umana quanto della sua dimensione moderna. Come tanti flaneur gli individui transitano, pemangono, attendono e se ne vanno. Dietro la realtà di un costante movimento, il velo di una costante sospensione.

“Arrivando a ogni nuova città il viaggiatore ritrova un suo passato che non sapeva più d’avere:l’estraneità di ciò che non sei più t’aspetta al varco nei luoghi estranei e non posseduti.”
Italo Calvino, Le città invisibili

Preafce: Linda Lombardo
Essay: Fernando Marcos Ibañez
400 copies limited edition by Crowdbooks
WATCH THE FULL SERIES[/iframely][:en]Martino Chiti (Proforma member) published the photobook
SUSPENDED CITIES (Portraits from the underground)

“The guard is down and the mask is off, even more than when in lone bedrooms (where there are mirrors). People’s faces are in naked repose down in the subway.”
Walker Evans

Buy Suspended cities photobook on sale by Crowdbooks.

Portraits, 35mm colour slides, from twelve different underground networks worldwide, (Paris, Rome, London, Madrid, Oslo, Napoli, New York, Mexico DF, Santiago de Chile, Tunisia, Delhi, Tokyo).
Twelve that become one, represented by presence/absence, by suspension, by waiting.
This work is reflected in and transcends the images shot by Walker Evans in the New York subways in the 40’s. It doesn’t make reference to any specific place but to distant and different cities which appear here as if closed in one single space. The faces, which express the suspension and the naked rest of the passengers that use this means of transport every day, become metaphors as much of human essence as its modern dimension. Like many “flaneur” the people transit, linger, wait and leave. Behind the reality of constant movement is the veil of constant suspension.

“Arriving at each new city, the traveler finds again a past of his that he did not know he had: the foreignness of what you no longer are or no longer possess lies in wait for you in foreign, unpossessed places.”
Italo Calvino, Invisible Cities

Preafce: Linda Lombardo
Essay: Fernando Marcos Ibañez
400 copies limited edition by Crowdbooks

Author proformavideodesign

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